Jimmy Jems Country Colors Confetti
We have em all. Stars, Circles, Soccer Players and Years in 94+ Country Colors
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Country Colors Stars 1/4" Only Circles 1/4" Only Country Name Only Country Player Ball Year with Stars Year with Player Ball Country
ALGERIA Green, Red and White CCP6231 CCP6281 JJWC033 CCW3333 CCP6331 CCP6381 ALGERIA
ARGENTINA Blue Light and White CCP6224 CCP6274 JJWC001 CCW3301 CCP6324 CCP6374 ARGENTINA
ARMENIA Blue Dark, Orange and Red CCP6213 CCP6263 JJWC034 CCW3334 CCP6313 CCP6363 ARMENIA
AUSTRALIA Green and Gold CCP6226 CCP6276 JJWC002 CCW3302 CCP6326 CCP6376 AUSTRALIA
AUSTRIA Red and White CCP6235 CCP6285 JJWC035 CCW3335 CCP6335 CCP6385 AUSTRIA
AZERBAIJAN Blue Dark, Green and Red CCP6210 CCP6260 JJWC036 CCW3336 CCP6310 CCP6360 AZERBAIJAN
BAHAMAS Black, Blue Aqua and Yellow CCP6221 CCP6271 JJWC037 CCW3337 CCP6321 CCP6371 BAHAMAS
BAHRAIN Gold, Green and Red CCP6227 CCP6277 JJWC038 CCW3338 CCP6327 CCP6377 BAHRAIN
BANGLADESH Gold, Green and Red CCP6227 CCP6277 JJWC039 CCW3339 CCP6327 CCP6377 BANGLADESH
BARBADOS Black, Blue Dark, and Gold CCP6207 CCP6257 JJWC040 CCW3340 CCP6307 CCP6357 BARBADOS
BELGIUM Black, Red, and Yellow CCP6205 CCP6255 JJWC003 CCW3303 CCP6305 CCP6355 BELGIUM
BERMUDA Red, White and Blue Light CCP6223 CCP6273 JJWC041 CCW3341 CCP6323 CCP6373 BERMUDA
BOLIVIA Green, Red and Yellow CCP6232 CCP6282 JJWC042 CCW3342 CCP6332 CCP6382 BOLIVIA
BRASIL Green and Yellow CCP6234 CCP6284 JJWC004 CCW3304 CCP6334 CCP6384 BRASIL
BRUNEI Black, Red, White and Yellow CCP6204 CCP6254 JJWC043 CCW3343 CCP6304 CCP6354 BRUNEI
CAMEROON Green, Red and Yellow CCP6232 CCP6282 JJWC091 CCW3391 CCP6332 CCP6382 CAMEROON
CANADA Red and White CCP6235 CCP6285 JJWC044 CCW3344 CCP6335 CCP6385 CANADA
CHILE Red, White and Blue CCP6214 CCP6264 JJWC045 CCW3345 CCP6314 CCP6364 CHILE
CHINA Red and Yellow CCP6237 CCP6287 JJWC046 CCW3346 CCP6337 CCP6387 CHINA
COLUMBIA Blue Dark, Red and Yellow CCP6218 CCP6268 JJWC005 CCW3305 CCP6318 CCP6368 COLUMBIA
CONGO Green, Red and Yellow CCP6232 CCP6282 JJWC047 CCW3347 CCP6332 CCP6382 CONGO
COSTA RICA Red, White and Blue CCP6214 CCP6264 JJWC006 CCW3306 CCP6314 CCP6364 COSTA RICA
CROATIA Red, White and Blue CCP6214 CCP6264 JJWC007 CCW3307 CCP6314 CCP6364 CROATIA
DENMARK Red and White CCP6235 CCP6285 JJWC008 CCW3308 CCP6335 CCP6385 DENMARK
DOM REPUBLIC Red, White and Blue CCP6214 CCP6264 JJWC048 CCW3348 CCP6314 CCP6364 DOM REPUBLIC
ECUADOR Blue Dark, Red and Yellow CCP6218 CCP6268 JJWC049 CCW3349 CCP6318 CCP6368 ECUADOR
EGYPT Black, Red and White CCP6203 CCP6253 JJWC009 CCW3309 CCP6303 CCP6353 EGYPT
EL SALVADOR Blue Dark and White CCP6220 CCP6270 JJWC050 CCW3350 CCP6320 CCP6370 EL SALVADOR
ENGLAND Red, White and Blue CCP6214 CCP6264 JJWC010 CCW3310 CCP6314 CCP6364 ENGLAND
ETHIOPIA Blue Dark, Green, Red and Yellow CCP6211 CCP6261 JJWC051 CCW3351 CCP6311 CCP6361 ETHIOPIA
FIJI Black and White CCP6206 CCP6256 JJWC052 CCW3352 CCP6306 CCP6356 FIJI
FINLAND Blue Dark and White CCP6220 CCP6270 JJWC053 CCW3353 CCP6320 CCP6370 FINLAND
FRANCE Red, White and Blue CCP6215 CCP6265 JJWC011 CCW3311 CCP6315 CCP6365 FRANCE
GERMANY Black, Gold and Red CCP6201 CCP6251 JJWC012 CCW3312 CCP6301 CCP6351 GERMANY
GHANA Green, Red and Yellow CCP6232 CCP6282 JJWC092 CCW3392 CCP6332 CCP6382 GHANA
GREECE Blue Light and White CCP6224 CCP6274 JJWC054 CCW3354 CCP6324 CCP6374 GREECE
HAITI Blue Dark and Red CCP6219 CCP6269 JJWC055 CCW3355 CCP6319 CCP6369 HAITI
HONDURAS Blue Dark and White CCP6220 CCP6270 JJWC056 CCW3356 CCP6320 CCP6370 HONDURAS
HONG KONG Red and White CCP6235 CCP6285 JJWC057 CCW3357 CCP6335 CCP6385 HONG KONG
HUNGARY Green, Red and White CCP6231 CCP6281 JJWC058 CCW3358 CCP6331 CCP6381 HUNGARY
ICELAND Red, White and Blue CCP6215 CCP6265 JJWC013 CCW3313 CCP6315 CCP6365 ICELAND
INDIA Blue Light, Green, Orange and White CCP6222 CCP6272 JJWC059 CCW3359 CCP6322 CCP6372 INDIA
INDONESIA Red and White CCP6235 CCP6285 JJWC060 CCW3360 CCP6335 CCP6385 INDONESIA
IRAN Green, Red and White CCP6231 CCP6281 JJWC014 CCW3314 CCP6331 CCP6381 IRAN
IRAQ Black, Green, Red and White CCP6202 CCP6252 JJWC061 CCW3361 CCP6302 CCP6352 IRAQ
IRELAND Green, Orange and White CCP6229 CCP6279 JJWC062 CCW3362 CCP6329 CCP6379 IRELAND
ISRAEL Blue Dark and White CCP6220 CCP6270 JJWC063 CCW3363 CCP6320 CCP6370 ISRAEL
ITALY Green, Red and White CCP6231 CCP6281 JJWC064 CCW3364 CCP6331 CCP6381 ITALY
JAMAICA Black, Gold and Green CCP6200 CCP6250 JJWC065 CCW3365 CCP6300 CCP6350 JAMAICA
JAPAN Red and White CCP6235 CCP6285 JJWC015 CCW3315 CCP6335 CCP6385 JAPAN
JORDAN Black, Green, Red and White CCP6202 CCP6252 JJWC066 CCW3366 CCP6302 CCP6352 JORDAN
KENYA Black, Green, Red and White CCP6202 CCP6252 JJWC067 CCW3367 CCP6302 CCP6352 KENYA
KUWAIT Blue Dark and Red CCP6219 CCP6269 JJWC068 CCW3368 CCP6319 CCP6369 KUWAIT
MALAYSIA Blue Dark, Red, White and Yellow CCP6217 CCP6267 JJWC069 CCW3369 CCP6317 CCP6367 MALAYSIA
MEXICO Green, Red and White CCP6231 CCP6281 JJWC016 CCW3316 CCP6331 CCP6381 MEXICO
MOROCCO Green and Red CCP6230 CCP6280 JJWC017 CCW3317 CCP6330 CCP6380 MOROCCO
NETHERLANDS Red, White and Blue CCP6215 CCP6265 JJWC070 CCW3370 CCP6315 CCP6365 NETHERLANDS
NEW ZEALAND Black and White CCP6206 CCP6256 JJWC071 CCW3371 CCP6306 CCP6356 NEW ZEALAND
NIGERIA Green and White CCP6233 CCP6283 JJWC018 CCW3318 CCP6333 CCP6383 NIGERIA
NORWAY Red, White and Blue CCP6215 CCP6265 JJWC072 CCW3372 CCP6315 CCP6365 NORWAY
PAKISTAN Green and White CCP6233 CCP6283 JJWC073 CCW3373 CCP6333 CCP6383 PAKISTAN
PALESTINE Black, Green, Red and White CCP6202 CCP6252 JJWC074 CCW3374 CCP6302 CCP6352 PALESTINE
PANAMA Red, White and Blue CCP6215 CCP6265 JJWC019 CCW3319 CCP6315 CCP6365 PANAMA
PERU Red and White CCP6236 CCP6286 JJWC020 CCW3320 CCP6336 CCP6386 PERU
PHILIPPINES Blue Dark, Red, White and Yellow CCP6217 CCP6267 JJWC075 CCW3375 CCP6317 CCP6367 PHILIPPINES
POLAND Red and White CCP6236 CCP6286 JJWC021 CCW3321 CCP6336 CCP6386 POLAND
PORTUGAL Green and Red CCP6230 CCP6280 JJWC022 CCW3322 CCP6330 CCP6380 PORTUGAL
PUERTO RICO Red, White and Blue CCP6216 CCP6266 JJWC076 CCW3376 CCP6316 CCP6366 PUERTO RICO
QATAR Maroon and White CCP6225 CCP6275 JJWC077 CCW3377 CCP6325 CCP6375 QATAR
ROMANIA Blue Dark, Red and Yellow CCP6218 CCP6268 JJWC078 CCW3378 CCP6318 CCP6368 ROMANIA
RUSSIA Red, White and Blue CCP6216 CCP6266 JJWC023 CCW3323 CCP6316 CCP6366 RUSSIA
SAUDI ARABIA Green and White CCP6233 CCP6283 JJWC024 CCW3324 CCP6333 CCP6383 SAUDI ARABIA
SCOTLAND Blue Dark and White CCP6220 CCP6270 JJWC093 CCW3393 CCP6320 CCP6370 SCOTLAND
SENEGAL Green, Red and Yellow CCP6232 CCP6282 JJWC025 CCW3325 CCP6332 CCP6382 SENEGAL
SERBIA Red, White and Blue CCP6216 CCP6266 JJWC026 CCW3326 CCP6316 CCP6366 SERBIA
SINGAPORE Red and White CCP6236 CCP6286 JJWC079 CCW3379 CCP6336 CCP6386 SINGAPORE
SOUTH AFRICA Green and Gold CCP6226 CCP6276 JJWC080 CCW3380 CCP6326 CCP6376 SOUTH AFRICA
SOUTH KOREA Black, Blue Dark, Red and White CCP6208 CCP6258 JJWC027 CCW3327 CCP6308 CCP6358 SOUTH KOREA
SPAIN Gold and Red CCP6228 CCP6278 JJWC028 CCW3328 CCP6328 CCP6378 SPAIN
SWEDEN Blue Dark and Gold CCP6209 CCP6259 JJWC029 CCW3329 CCP6309 CCP6359 SWEDEN
TAIWAN Red, White and Blue CCP6216 CCP6266 JJWC081 CCW3381 CCP6316 CCP6366 TAIWAN
THAILAND Red, White and Blue CCP6216 CCP6266 JJWC082 CCW3382 CCP6316 CCP6366 THAILAND
TUNISIA Red and White CCP6236 CCP6286 JJWC031 CCW3331 CCP6336 CCP6386 TUNISIA
TURKEY Red and White CCP6236 CCP6286 JJWC083 CCW3383 CCP6336 CCP6386 TURKEY
UAE Black, Green, Red and White CCP6202 CCP6252 JJWC084 CCW3384 CCP6302 CCP6352 UAE
UKRAINE Blue Dark and Gold CCP6209 CCP6259 JJWC085 CCW3385 CCP6309 CCP6359 UKRAINE
URUGUAY Blue Dark and White CCP6220 CCP6270 JJWC032 CCW3332 CCP6320 CCP6370 URUGUAY
USA Red, White and Blue CCP6216 CCP6266 JJWC086 CCW3386 CCP6316 CCP6366 USA
UZBEKISTAN Blue Dark, Green, Red and White CCP6212 CCP6262 JJWC087 CCW3387 CCP6312 CCP6362 UZBEKISTAN
VATICAN Color and Color CCP6238 CCP6288 JJWC088 CCW3388 CCP6338 CCP6388 VATICAN
VENEZUELA Blue Dark, Red and Yellow CCP6218 CCP6268 JJWC089 CCW3389 CCP6318 CCP6368 VENEZUELA
VIETNAM Red and Yellow CCP6237 CCP6287 JJWC090 CCW3390 CCP6337 CCP6387 VIETNAM
WALES Green and Red CCP6230 CCP6280 JJWC094 CCW3394 CCP6330 CCP6380 WALES