Custom-Fetti Piece Minimums Out
Style - Boy, Girl, Country, Team Names, Buzz Words
Font Count Letters in the Name
Size 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13+
1/2" 25 Pieces 15 Pieces 10 Pieces
3/4" 20 Pieces 12 Pieces 8 Pieces
1" 12 Pieces 5 Pieces 5 Pieces
Font Count Letters in the Name
Size 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13+
1/2" 50 Pieces 30 Pieces 20 Pieces
3/4" 40 Pieces 25 Pieces 15 Pieces
1" 25 Pieces 10 Pieces 10 Pieces
Font Count Letters in the Name
Size 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13+
1/2" 100 Pieces 60 Pieces 40 Pieces
3/4" 80 Pieces 50 Pieces 30 Pieces
1" 50 Pieces 20 Pieces 20 Pieces
How many pieces will I get out?

Each of our orders are custom cut, in the material, font, size and color your event or celebration needs.

We cut by sheets.  But whether a half, full or double, each require the same set up time.  That is the main reason why when you order more you get more for less.

Each name or word or phase, has a certain number of characters, width, and spacing.  Multiply the possibilities of that, by the 3 sizes we offer, and further multiply by the 4 font specific spacings, and this adds up to millions of possibilities as to what the exact number a specific name will get out.  Whew, did I say that right?

So, we cut by the sheet, and naturally we sell by the sheet.  But the fact is we just do not know how many will be cut.

That is where the minimum out sheet comes to be.

We will guarantee, that if we cut less, we will cut more to meet the minimum, AND
If we cut more, then we will deliver more to you.
How's that for a win-win.